— if we have a functional interface
interface A{
int add(int i, int j);
in this case, we return int type from add a method for that we can write a lambda expression
in different ways.
— if we have a single statement you do not need of curly braces
A obj1 =(i,j)- return i+j;
— if we want to return something in a single statement, no need to mention the return keyword
A obj2 =(i,j)-i+j;
class Main{
public static void main(String[] args){
// Anonymous class with lambda expression
//if you have single statement and want to return something then you need not to write return keyword and curly braces
A obj= (i,j)- i+j;
//lambada expression works with functional interface
interface A{
public int add(int i,int j);