In this lecture we are discussing about wrapper class:
if you want to store integer value you store in int
java provide primitive data type
thats why java is 99.9 % object oriented programming
primitive data types helps us to improve the performance
but certain feature are work only when we work with objects
for collection framework — we need non primitive type data as input
byte -Byte
int – Integer
long -Long
char- Character
double -Double
float -Float
boolean -Boolean
Boxing:It is manual method to convert primitive type data into non-primitive type .
int num=7;
Integer num1=new Integer(8); //boxing
UnBoxing: It is manual method to convert non-primitive data type to primitive type.
int num2=num1.intValue(); //unboxing
AutoBoxing:It is automatic conversion of primitive type data into non-primitive data type.
int num3=5;
Integer num4=num3; //autoboxing
AutoUnBoxing:It is automatic conversion of non primitive type data into primitive data type.
int num5=num4; //autounboxing
int num=7;
how to store data as Object
Integer num1=new Integer(8); //this syntax is depreciated
Integer num1=Integer.valueOf(8); //Now we use this syntax
Integer num1=8; //autoboxing
int num2=num1.intValue();//unboxing
int num3=num1; //autounboxing
–convert string into int type using parseInt
String str=”12″;
int num4=Integer.parseInt(str);
–Convert number into String
String str1=Integer.toString(23); //convert number into string