In this lecture we are discussing about:
what is typecasting ?
typecasting is way to converting one primitive data type into other data type using implicit or explicit type
double d=4.5;
int i=(int)d; //explicit typecasting
int i1=5;
double d1=i1; //implicit type conversion
When we are talking about non -primitive data type we have concept of upcasting and downcasting
condition for upcasting and downcasting:
— for that two class should have some parents child relationship
— if non-primitive data type have no any relationship so, upcasting and downcasting is not possible.
class A{
public void show1(){
System.out.println(“In show A)
class B extends A{
public void show2(){
System.out.println(“In show B”);
class Demo{
public static void main(String []args){
A obj =(A) new B(); //upcasting
A obj1 =new B(); // upcasting
// obj1.show2(); // you get error and you are not able to call show2() because with parennts reference specialised method of child is not visible
here we downcastig to use show2() method
((B)obj).show2(); //downcasting
the object can also be typecasted like the datatypes. Parent and Child objects are two types of objects.
So, there are two types of typecasting possible for an object, i.e., Parent to Child and Child to Parent or can say Upcasting and Downcasting.