In this lecture we will learn:
Setters and getters in Java
– What are setters?
– What are getters?
Shortcut for writing getters and setters in Eclipse:-
– The name of a method should define the objective of the model.
– For every variable, we have two things: Setters and Getters methods inside a class in Java programming.
– Getter and Setter are methods used to protect your data and make your code more secure.
– Getter and Setter make the programmer convenient in setting and getting the value for a particular data type.
– In both getter and setter, the first letter of the variable should be capitalised.
– If you want to get the value of a method, we use getters.
= public int getAge();
– To set the value in a method, we use overloading.
= public void setAge()
– There is no complusion that there should be all methods and variables inside the class.
Shortcut for writing getters setters in Eclipse:-
= Right-click on the editor – source action or insert code – Generate getters and setters