In this lecture we are discussing:
1)What is String?
2)How to create String object?
4)Concatenation operator
5)Some method of String class
— If you want to store character sequence e.g “shiva”, “navin”, “hyder” in
such cases we need character array or String (non-primitive data ) .
— But Using String object it is easy to store sequence of character.
— String is non primitive data-type and it is also a class.
String str=”shiva”;
How to create String object?
— using new operator String str=new String(“shiva”);
— directly assigning String str=”shiva”; put sequence of character inside a double quotes.
What is hashcode?
— hashcode is unique number for each object created in heap.
— hashcode is used to identify object.
Concatenation operator
— + operator used to concatenate the String
String firstName=”shiva”;
String lastName=”srivastava”;
String fullName=firstName+lastName;
System.out.println(fullName); //shivasrivastava
some method used in String
- a) int length() –to find the length of String
- b) char charAt(int index) –to find character at particular index
Note: In array length is property while in String length() is method.