In this lecture we are discussing:
1)What is an Array ?
2)Why do we need array?
3)Simple variable declaration vs Array variable declaration
— An array is collection of similar type of data and store in contagious memory.
— e.g marks is collection of different marks obtained by 4 student then {24,25,26,27} is that marks then
this marks store in contagious manner in memory.
Why so we need array?
— suppose we want to create five variable for student marks
— int m1=24; int m2=25; int m3=26; int m4=27; int m5=28;
— it is quite tedious to store multiple value in multiple variable and remember the marks.
— now one reason is that to create single variable which can store multiple value and access by its index.
Simple variable declaration vs Array variable declaration
— for creating normal variable
int num; boolean result=true;
— for creating array variable
int nums []; or int []nums; — both are acceptable to declare array variable