In this lecture we will learn:
– What is JVM?
– What is JDK?
– What is JRE?
– Importance and uses of JVM, JRE, and JDK.
To compile the Java code, we need a tool and that tool is known as JDK ( Java Development Kit).
– Byte code runs on a machine so we have to convert the java code into the byte code.
– On installing the JDK, we get both updated JRE and JVM.
JVM stands for Java Virtually Machine.
– JVM is the space where you execute the code.
– JVM is used to make the Java language a platform- independent.
– You have to compile the code through JDK and then run the code through JVM.
– JVM is platform dependent and it needs to be built for a particular OS.
– JVM is platform-dependent.
JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment.
– JRE contains all the in-built classes and other extra files and libraries that we can use in our code.
– JRE validates the byte code.
– JRE loads a class.
– If you use extra libraries, and you also need an environment. An additional layer is present above the OS known as JRE.
– JVM is a part of JRE. JRE includes JVM and libraries.
JVM – Java Virutal Machine
JRE – Java Runtime Environment
– For development purposes, you need to install JDK (Java Development Kit) which consists of JRE and JVM.