In this lecture we will learn:
– Class in Java
– Syntax of class in Java
– Creation of objects in Java
– Methods in Java
Whatever we do in Java, we do it in a class.
A class is a user-defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created.
– In a class, we have methods and variables.
– Class will be created in the same java file.
– We can create any number of classes in a program.
– Class does not occupy memory.
Syntax of a class:-
class classname
methods, variables
– Every object has two things: properties and methods.
– When an object of a class is created, the class is said to be instantiated. All the instances share the attributes and the behavior of the class.
– Action will be done with the help of methods.
– We need to specify the access to methods. We will specify it as public if we want it to be called from anywhere else.
– If we want the method to return any value then we need to specify its return type like int for Integer type values.
– As Java is a statically typed language so you have to specify the return type in it.
Syntax of method:-
= access modifier return type method name()
public int add()
– We need an object to call a method from a different class.
– Creating an object:-
classname reference variable= new classname();
– reference variable is used to tell that this variable is made to establish a reference between a class.
– new keyword is used to tell that we have to utilise the space for an object.
– We can call a method by using the reference variable of the object.
– We have to pass the values if we want some operations to be on them.
– We also have to accept values in a method as well if we pass some values. For this, we have to specify parameters in a method based on the type of passed values.